The On The Edge Events event day volunteers are known as OTEE Crew. Our awesome OTEE Crew add so much to the woohoo-ing, high five-ing spirit at our events! OTEE Crew help make these races possible and allow our trail runners to compete in a fun, safe and organised way.
Why join the OTEE Crew?
It's a great way to be part of the awesomeness, without getting too sweaty.
People help out for a number of reasons:
* To check out what OTEE is all about.
* A great way to stay involved, when injury prevents you from participating in the event.
* Friends, family and/or partners like to share in th fun, creating a great social event.
What OTEE Crew get:
* Behind the scenes into our events.
* A free entry into a future event in the any of our Series.
* Heaps of high fives and thank you's from the competitors, along with endless love and gratitude from the organisers.
* The opportunity to hang out with the coolest community on the trails.
What roles will I have?
A variety of things, including but not limited too.
* Flagging Course - have a bit of a trot before the event, placing all important course markers.
* Sweeping - Lets you have a bit of trot, following behind the last competitors
* Course Marshals - Help direct racers on the course
* Parking - Directing cars into spaces, and sometime manning entry gates
* Rego - Be the face that greets the competitors, checking them in and hand out event bibs
* Aid Stations - Prepare food and assisting runners to refuel along the course if required
* Timing - Giving woohoos as competitors cross the line, and ensuring those all important finish times are recorded
How do I sign up?
If you're ready to join the OTEE Crew, please send an email to andrew@ontheedgeevents.com.au. We will add you to our list, letting us know if you are volunteering for the Trail Running or the Mountain Biking. If you have a particular event you would like to volunteer for, please let us know in the email as well.